The Place of Success - FAZIT INVESTMENT GMBH

Business Opportunity - "Early Stage Investment"

Earn Outsized Returns - Mitigate Your Risk by Diversification and Investment Monitoring


One can mention endless examples of how investor identify and make en early investment in companies well before their Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s) and earn returns beyond expectation with extraordinary wining.

In March 2008, Bebo was sold to AOL for $850 million. Institutional investors that came in only year and a half earlier earned 9 times their investment back. Original investors again had the potential to earn over 100 times of their initial investment.

Andy Bechtolsheim, Google’s first angel investor, wrote a check of $100,000 to Google in 1998 when it was still a private company. As of March 2008, this $100,000 is worth approximately $1.5 BILLION dollars. Those numbers speak for themselves.

Angel Investing

Angel investing is the process of investing in early stage privately-held companies provides exceptional opportunities. The earlier the stage of the company, the more likely that the investor would be individual persons versus an institution such as a venture capital or private equity fund.

Returns Outperform All Other Investment Classes

Well known research companies such as Thomason Financial has gathered data over 20 years with clear result that early, or seed stage, private company investing has over the long-term, outperformed all other investment classes -- with average annual returns of over 20%.
The Due Diligence

The most important key of success in investing is the “due diligence” the detailed analysis and appraisal of a business which takes place after an investment has been agreed to in principle. This
process ensures that there is nothing which contradicts the investor’s understanding of the current state and potential of the business. The investors significantly reduce their risk by conducting comprehensive due diligence and thus maximize their chances of success.

The following items should be addressed;

Background of the company, Background of management, The Company's business plan, Audited and unaudited financials, Management performance, Analysing of Capitalization, Long term contracts, Employment agreements, Purchase or sale agreements, Performances during Due Dilligence process , Patents and/or legal rights, Quality of product

Monitor Your Investments Stay in control

Private companies do not undergo the same scrutiny that public companies do. There are
no quarterly reports. There are no watchdogs.

Therefore, investors in these companies must keep in contact with the CEOs to understand their progress and ensure that their focus does not go off the course. They must set specific milestones and follow-up if the companies do not achieve them.

Fazit Investment helps organizations prosper through our suite of integrated professional service practices. We help to develop professional business plans, secure capital, value their businesses, and launch new product and/or service initiatives.

We will provide you with excellent support:

1. Finding the best deals
2. Analysing/Monitoring the business
3. Assessing the quality of the management team
4. Understanding the exit potential
5. Negotiating a fair valuation
6. Conducting due diligence
7. Assessing the probability of raising more capital
8. Diversifying the portfolio
9. Monitoring investments

Westhafen Tower
Westhafenplatz 1
D - 60327 Frankfurt/M